A Guide to Renting Halls in Baltimore For Repasts

"Comfort and fellowship are at the heart of the Repast"

celebration of life funeral repast baltimore

Funerals are emotionally charged events, but the reception is usually the most important opportunity afterward to offer support to a deceased person. Sharing stories in a relaxed atmosphere is extremely therapeutic. It's hard when a loved one loses someone in traumatic circumstances. It will take a lot of effort to make a decision, even when the pain is intense and overwhelming.

Funeral repasts are a very important part of the funeral ceremony. It is an opportunity for family and friends to come together and share their last meal with the deceased. The purpose of this article is to discuss how you plan a funeral repast, its importance, and some tips on how to make it memorable.

table setting funeral repast baltimore

Which is correct repass or repast?

Generally speaking, for the reception at the conclusion of the burial, the term " repass " is interchangeable. According to Webster, the definition of repass is passing through and then back, and the word repast is taken as a meal.

Repast is Latin for "food". It originally meant meal time but was mainly meant for meals eaten during death. This tradition was intended to allow people close to a person to grieve privately. Funeral ceremonies follow the funeral in which friends and family gather for celebrations. The reception is usually immediately following the funeral services.

The reception is a crucial part of the funeral service. The meeting provides an enjoyable way to share sympathy with the loved ones of those deceased and to share their sorrow informally.

Where to Host a Funeral Repast – 5 Suggestions

After the funeral, everyone is ready to have a meal. It may be a private or a public gathering of mourners, depending upon their family. The location for your meal should be notified in advance to all of the guests. The funeral can be served either for a meal and/ or dinner during a specific period.

The more commonly attended funeral meals have taken place in homes for friends or family members, churches, banquet halls, local restaurants, event spaces, or in the funeral house location. It can be held in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

The meal is usually catered by a local vendor or caterer, and it is often very expensive. It can also be very difficult to find a place to cater your funeral meal for free or at a reduced price. The purpose of serving a funeral repast is to provide food for those who attend the funeral service and to those who have come from out of town to attend the service.

Apart from that, here are a few things to consider when hosting a repast:

  • The location of the repast (inside or outside)

  • The time of day the repast will be held

  • The number of people expected to attend

  • The food and drink that will be served

  • The type of atmosphere you want to create

Read on to see lists of the perfect location to celebrate the cherished memory of a loved one!

outdoor scene for repast baltimore

Venues for Private Events in Baltimore, MD

Baltimore is a great city to hold an event in. There are many different venues that you can choose from for your private or special event. The following list of venues in Baltimore, Maryland will give you some ideas on where to hold your next event.

studio 87 repast venue setup

There are many different places that people can choose from when they want to host an event. Some of the most popular places for people to host their events include:

repast venue setup baltimore

Each of these locations has its own unique benefits and drawbacks when it comes to hosting repast services. Popular venues to rent for a repast include a church hall, banquet hall, restaurant, schools, community centers, and convention centers. These venues are very common because they have large amounts of space and can accommodate large numbers of people. However, many other types of spaces can be rented for a repast, such as ballrooms, auditoriums, cafeterias, hotels/motel rooms, and private spaces like STUDIO 87.

When renting a venue, it is essential to consider the size of the room and how many people will be attending the event. It is also important to consider if there will be any decorations or audio-visual equipment needed for your event. Decorations can range from balloons to large pieces of art that can enhance an event’s atmosphere.

An example of a rental space that can cater all kinds of events at 50 maximum capacity with everything you need for a successful event including Audio Visual Equipment such as TVs, speakers, monitors, microphones, etc., is...

A welcoming space for Private Events, Corporate Events, and Repast

This perfect place is conveniently located at German Hill Rd, Unit C, Dundalk, MD. They offer 5-star service to any kind of event. Their free-onsite parking can fit up to 30 vehicles, so the guests usually leave their cars and walk right in. Tables and chairs are provided, and high-top or cocktail tables are available upon request. You get access to the entire space and all amenities at affordable rates! Check them out and reserve your date here.

outside parking lot studio 87 baltimore

There are many reasons why you should rent this venue for your repast. The first reason is that it saves money. When you have to rent a venue, you have to pay the rental fee upfront, and then when the event is over, you can just return the venue back to its original condition. If you were to buy all of the tables, chairs, linens, and decorations for an event like this, it would cost around $5,000-$10,000 dollars. Studio 87 offers a unique setting for all occasion! The reviews won't lie about the wonderful ways they assist and serve their guests.

studio 87 repast venue baltimore

The Importance of a Repast

There are many benefits that come with hosting a repast. The first benefit is the social aspect of it. It gives people the opportunity to get together, offer support and enjoy each other’s company and share fond memories and special moments.

Offer personal condolences to the family

Funerals aren't arranged and sometimes the person catches it unaware. It can sometimes be difficult in moments of sadness and shock. The setting is casual. Informative. Mourners will feel relaxed approaching the family member in person and offering condolences in person.

Bring closure to the funeral process

When a person shares dinner with friends, it helps ease the pain. Many feel they have been cherished and cared for, and many others have experienced similar feelings of grief. After the funeral, many people will want to discuss it, but don't just get out of the car and go home. The Repast offers an informal and friendly atmosphere to close the day whatever the hard work.

Allow family members to bond

It can provide a bonding experience for families who have never met in person. These meetings are especially important when the relatives reside at distances and travel a long distance for the funeral services to gather. Repastic offers an enjoyable way of sharing and reflecting on thoughts during meals.

Comfort loved ones and offer support

Having shared your feelings with someone during the grievance process is a key step in healing. It's difficult when you are isolated. A Repast provides a casual forum for chatting with the deceased and reminiscing on the deceased. For those who have never heard a public speech, it's possible just to listen and let them know they're being involved. Griefing Together helps to support healing and the Retreat gives everyone the opportunity to participate.

holding hands baltimore

Tips on how to make a Repast memorable

It is important that you plan your funeral meal in such a way that it will be memorable and enjoyable for everyone who attends. Here are some tips on how to make this special occasion memorable:

1. Make sure to have plenty of food and drinks available for guests.

Guests are the most important part of any party. They are the ones who make or break a party. If you want your party to be successful, then you need to make sure that you have plenty of food and drinks available for your guests. You do not want your guests to leave hungry or thirsty after attending your loved one’s funeral service after a long day.

funeral repast food and drinks baltimore

2. Consider setting up a buffet-style spread so guests can help themselves.

A funeral is a very sad occasion and it is important that the guests are able to have some fun with your home-cooked meals or food catering services. A good way of doing this is by setting up a buffet-style spread. This will allow the guests to help themselves and not feel pressured to eat everything on their plates. A buffet-style spread can be set up in many different ways, but one of the most common ways of doing this is by having all the food laid out on tables or counters, with each guest helping themselves from there. This works well because it allows people to help themselves without feeling rushed.

funeral repast food and drinks served baltimore

3. Decorate the space in a way that is respectful and reflective of the person who has passed away.

Decorating the space can be very overwhelming, especially if you have never decorated a room before. There are many different ways that you can decorate your space for any occasion, but when decorating for a funeral or memorial service it is important to choose colors that are soothing and calming, such as pastel colors. It is also important to choose furniture that can be used for many different occasions, such as a dining room table or coffee table.

funeral repast decor baltimore

4. Play music that was meaningful to the deceased or that guests can enjoy listening to.

According to the article, “Music has a powerful effect on our emotions and moods. It can change our mood from happy to sad or vice versa, depending on the type of music we listen to” (Holt). Some people like to have soft, classical music playing while others prefer upbeat, happy songs. There are also those who believe it is best not to play any type of music at all because it may bring back painful memories for the family members.

funeral repast music choice baltimore

5. Have a guest book available for people to sign and leave messages.

Having a guest book at the funeral services can help people express their feelings and condolences to others who are grieving as well as provide an opportunity for them to share memories with the deceased person. The guest book provides an opportunity for friends, family members, and other guests to leave note or messages of sympathy, and personal stories about the deceased person.

funeral repast memory book baltimore

6. Put together a photo collage or memory table with pictures and mementos of the person who has passed.

Once you have gathered these items, you will need to choose a location to display them. This could be a table, shelf, or even a wall. Once you have chosen a location, you will need to arrange the pictures and mementos in a way that is pleasing to the eye. You may want to create a theme for your collage or memory table, or you may simply want to arrange the items in a way that represents the person's life.

funeral repast memory table baltimore

7. Create a tribute video to display during the reception.

There are a few ways that you can create a tribute video to display during the reception. One way is to create a slideshow of photos set to music. Another way is to create a video montage of photos and videos set to music. You could also create a short video featuring interviews with friends and family members talking about the person you are honoring. Whatever way you choose to create the tribute video, be sure to include music that is special to the person you are honoring.

8. Offering an open microphone so that guests can share a story or memory.

Before the funeral meal, announce that you will be offering an open microphone for guests to share a story or memory about the deceased. Set up the microphone in a central location so that everyone can easily access it. Encourage guests to share their stories and memories, and thank them for doing so. If there are any particularly moving or memorable stories shared, you can consider sharing them with the rest of the guests after the meal.

microphone venue baltimore

9. Make sure to have plenty of tissues on hand, as guests will likely be emotional.

It can be difficult to know how to act around emotional guests during a funeral meal. It is important to be respectful and understanding, while also providing support where needed. Try to be patient and listen to what the guests are saying, offering words of comfort where appropriate. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is perfectly acceptable to take a break from the conversation or step away for a moment. Just be sure to let the guests know that you appreciate their support and are happy to talk with them when you are ready.

emotional repast baltimore

When someone we love dies, it can be hard to know what to do or say. We may feel lost, confused, and alone. No one ever really knows how they will handle the death of a loved one. Some people are able to keep their composure while others may crumble. The one thing that everyone can agree on is that the death of a loved one is a very difficult thing to go through.

But it's important to remember that we're not alone in our grief. There are others who have been through this before and can help us through it. The funeral repast is a time for the family and friends of the deceased to gather together and share their memories. It is also a time to support each other through this tough time.


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